Ask yourself the following questions:
- Are you one of my regular customers?
- Are you a spinner?
- Do you have time to spin two ounces of pencil roving before November 15th?
- Do you have time to answer a handful of questions about the roving after you're done spinning?
- Does the following photo grab your attention?

If you answered "yes" to all five of these questions, I need to chat with you! I am looking for five spinners - regular customers who are willing to give me honest opinions about quality who can give me some feedback before the Thanksgiving holidays. If you have any doubts about being able to get this done and give me feedback before Thanksgiving, please pass on this round of product testing as I am trying to keep to a schedule.
Thanks in advance!
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! I’ve got two people so far… three still needed. Thank you!
Me, Please!!!! I’d love to do it!
I can do 2oz if there’s no bamboo or alpaca involved.
Is a helper on the far west side of the map a problem, mail turn around time wise, that is?