
My name is Lorena Haldeman, and I am the owner, maker, creatrix, artist, and hard-working woman behind HaldeCraft.
I was bitten by a crafty bug as a child, when my grandmother tried to teach me to knit and crochet (ostensibly to keep me quiet while "her shows" were on). That didn't take very well, but she also had a ceramics studio and the first time she put a brush in my hand and I painted that duck purple, I knew that was for me. In the years since then I have kept with my beloved ceramics, and also picked up soap-making, knitting, spinning yarn, making lip balms and lotions, sewing, weaving, and most recently, blacksmithing.
In 2010 I found myself staring unemployment in the face, as the yarn store I owned with two friends was facing the end of its life. I didn't want to give up crafting as a living, though, I found that I loved it, and loved working for myself, too much. So I turned to what, until then, had been a joyful hobby and creative outlet, and put my mind towards turning it into the means to make a living. A lot of people can't do that; a lot of people find that working their hobby crushes their love for it. I've found just the opposite. The longer I do it, and the more feedback I get from people on how beautiful, eye-catching, enjoyable, or just plain useful what I make is to them, the more I want to do what I do.
Since 2010, I've been working out of my home, turning half of the house into different studio spaces. In fact, by 2015, I'd taken up so much of the house that we bought 15 acres that not only had a larger house but had an art studio on the property that was even larger than that!
The team at HaldeCraft really does consist of just me (hard to believe I can get it all done when you look at how much I produce, I know). I am emotionally supported by my dogs, my cats, my tortoises, the wild animals who live on my acreage, and my friends and family. We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support of HaldeCraft!
Please. Look around. Make yourself at home. Get to know me. And know that I'm here to answer any questions you may have about what I do, how I do it, or what I can do for you.