Works-in-Progress Wednesday (07/02/14)
What are you working on this week?
I've got my fingers in half a dozen pies (not literally, although later this week That Poor Man will be making a few pies for a 4th of July party we're going to). I'm knitting two pairs of socks (for friends, a couple that I adore, and I promised them socks late last year and have yet to finish them) and getting ready to cast on for my 12-in-'14 project; I'm firing the kiln as I type this; I'm planning my next big soap-making adventure; I'm getting International July yarn club in the mail (Domestic will ship next week); I'm already starting to get a headache because it's quarterly sales tax time (I have math anxiety, and while you'd think after doing it four times a year for almost four years, the anxiety would be lessened, but hahahahahaha); and today come heck or high water I will be getting some handbuilding time in because I have a toad home and a soap dish idea that I need to get out of my head and into reality!
I'm also doing a lot of this, this week -
I haven't walked regularly for a couple of years now and it feels good to be out and about in the morning in my neighborhood again. Even if it is a billion degrees ("it's not the heat, it's the humidity!"). I much prefer Spring and Fall to the dead heat of summer, but also know myself well enough to not let myself say that I'll just wait, and start walking when the weather cools down.
How about you? What are you up to this week?