Work-in-Progress Wednesday (07/23/14)
What are you working on this week? This week I'm working on resting my back, which I seem to have thrown out somehow. (Not literally THROWN OUT, I did not disconnect my back from the rest of my body and put it out with this morning's trash... although I kind of wish that was possible, and that I could just run down to the Farmer's Market this afternoon and get a new one...)
In knitting, I'm almost done with socks for a friend...
SO MUCH COLOR. I love it. She wanted wild, and that's what she's getting. The million ends that need to be woven in on this are nothing compared to the smile that's going to radiate off her face when she puts them on.
In ceramics, I'm working on two things. I'm trying to fill the kiln with greenware, including (and I missed last weeks post so I couldn't tell you about this) some Marie bowls in black clay! I love it; it's a low-grog clay which means it's very smooth and soft... It was kind of like working with chocolate. I do hope the end result is as amazing as it is in my head.
Also I'm glazing some tiles so that I can make a color chart.
My plan with the tiles is to do a couple of different posts, so that I'll have links I can send people to when they ask in what colors I can make things. This is going to be a long-term project and will probably take a couple of months, just because I can't put all the tiles in the kiln at the same time because of space issues. I'm excited about it, though!
In soap, I'm working on a large wholesale order for a yarn shop, what what, how did I slide that in there? I'll put up more information about that after the order is on its way.
That's me... What are you working on this week?