So, I asked this question the other day, on Facebook and Google +...
I've got a bunch of single pieces and prototype pieces that I'm not sure what to do with. I don't have room to keep them, and they're not horrible pieces, just things that after doing the one run, I plan to make them a little bit differently or bigger or in a different color... and I don't want to write product pages for each of those things since they're really one-offs. How would you all feel about a Daily Deal page? Each day, early in the morning, I'd list one item, for $10, for 24 hours. I'd post to Instagram (which will then automagically post to Facebook and Google +) with a photo of what that item of the day will be... then I'd list it for 24 hours. If it sells, great! If not... well, my family can expect to see it at Christmas, heh. I've thought a lot about doing a Daily Deal over the weekend, and if y'all like the idea as much as I do, I'll start it some time in the next week. It would probably only go for about a month, maybe a month and a half, as I have about 40 or so pieces I'd like to put in it (but a few more may appear between now and the end of the Daily Deal).
Response was overwhelmingly positive, so I've gone ahead and put a listing up here: Daily Deal.
Starting tomorrow, Wednesday 3/11/15, I will post a new item in the mornings - anywhere from 7 AM to noon, Eastern Standard Time. At that point I'll post a photo on Instagram, which will also cross-post to my Facebook and Google + pages for HaldeCraft... giving you maximum opportunity to snag the one-time, one-of-a-kind piece of the day! All pieces will be ten dollars (shipping will be calculated by weight of item and zone in which you live). If it sells, awesome! If not, there will be a new item the next day!
Want a sneak peek at the first eighteen items? In no particular order, here they are...
Thanks, y'all! Don't forget -- this starts tomorrow, and you can bookmark this listing to find it easily! (And for once I'm not going to recommend signing up for the green "NOTIFY ME" button for this particular listing, as there's about a two-hour delay from when I update it to when you'd get a listing. Easiest thing would be to follow me on Instagram, you'll see the photo of the day's item first!