Welcome to the recap post that should have gone up Friday! Every time I've gone to upload since Friday, it's been raining, which means our Internet has gone out. Internet that goes out whenever it's rainy or very overcast is totally not frustrating when you have a job that's online. Not frustrating at all. Ha! ANYWAY! Moving on!

So much soap restocked in the last two weeks (and more coming next week).... rather than list each one out, you can go here to see all the recently restocked soaps. Favorites include Midnight Garden, Trickster Coyote, and Trickster Fox (actually restocked twice - it's that popular!). Oh, and of course, Blood of the Dragon!
Mushroom Bird-feeders - in blue this time, these adorable fairy-like mushrooms make perfect birdfeeders, or even a place for a nest for small birds. Or, don't hang it up at all, just put it on the ground in your garden and let a toad move in! Instant start to your fairy garden!
One Hit Wonders - another item restocked twice! There are still three up there, and I'll be switching out/adding more close to the end of this week (maybe early next week).
The July Mug of the Month - The Barrel Mug! These are perfect for Pirates, D&D Campaigns, people who like either wine or whiskey (any oak-barrel aged drink)... I'd be willing to bet there are more than a few of you out there who are three of those four things, at least....!
Mermaid Mugs - And here's a question... are there any other colors you'd like to see these mugs in?
Tentacle Mugs - make with the grabby hands, for these find their way out of the shop pretty quickly!