Uh... it is Thursday, right? I know I missed Wednesday - I got to about 9 PM last night after hours of "don't forget to write a WiP Wednesday post" and .... well, here it is, then, Thursday.

I've been doing a lot of playing around, a lot of handbuilding lately. I'm downright obsessed with fairy door/mushroom butter dishes, like, seriously, y'all might have to stage an intervention. And I got a request to do just a top, but as a Toad Home, and you know that my mind is on fire with thinking about making a ton of those. Little Fairy House Toad Homes?! YES PLEASE.
Taking a couple of days off last week to prep for the hurricane (that wrecked havoc on a lot of folks I care about but pretty much just spit on us) meant that I didn't have time to make soap last week. I'm hoping to get the last batch of six soaps that need restocking done and listed by this time next week. After that, I think I have some restocks I could do from the earlier ones I restocked a few weeks ago that are already selling out.... then that should be all I need to make up until GLAM, if I get accepted this year.

I did go ahead and add that back-in-stock notification thingy to my website; so now if you go to a page where there's something out of stock (for example, the "You've Been Poisoned" mug), under the button that would say "add to cart" but says "sold out" since it's sold out right now.... under that, there's a space to enter your email and a button that says "notify me." That will get you a one-time email notification when I restock whatever item it is.
Speaking of things restocked, I've been working on a LOT of magnets lately. Acorns, Anarchy symbols, Biohazard symbol, Police Call Boxes, and the Lightning Bolt have all been restocked... and there are new things like the Frog, Pinecone, Skull & Crossbones, Squirrel, a set of Stamps, and a set of Daisies. And I'm getting ready to make new Dragonflies, HaldeCraft logos, Stones, Leaves, Skulls, Sewing Thread, Paw Prints... and a few new things as well. Whew! It's Magnet City, Population Me, over here!

Oh! Oh! OK, so a lot of you who know me already know this, but award winning author Joe Haldeman is my uncle. He will be selling some autographed copies of his books through my website. These are all autographed books, many of them first editions, and are priced accordingly. Shipping is usually within 24-48 hours, barring weekends, postal holidays, or hurricanes. In order to have such a quick turnaround, these are already autographed and can not be inscribed or have any personal notes added by the author, as they are already out of his hands and at HaldeCraft Headquarters. More books will be added and/or restocked, as we are able to! You can see the current selection here.
Let's see... anything else? I mean, it's been a busy few weeks. I've had massage, chiropractic, and a couple of doctor's appointments (I'm having a plantar fasciitis flare-up, and separate from that, I've been having some absolutely insane tinnitus in my right ear for about the last month. My doctor actually put me on antibiotics for a while, because my ear was clogged and we thought maybe it was an infection. Now she's referred me to an ENT, since the antibiotics and decongestants she put me on haven't really cleared it up. My ear feels less full, but the ringing. THE RINGING. I described it to my doctor like there's a cicada screaming in my ear (she laughed and said she's totally using that).
And I've finally gotten around to watching The Vow, the documentary on HBO about the NXIVM cult. Which I have to look up to spell every single time, haha. I've heard at least three different podcasts on NXIVM (what, you don't listen to podcasts about cults and fringe religions?!) but I'm finally just getting around to seeing the documentary, and y'all. It is WILD. Not as wild as Wild Wild Country (that was an absolutely INSANE ride) but it is definitely up there.

I think that's about it for me this week... so I'll leave you with a picture of Newt, who loves that we moved the old couch to a room she can easily escape from if she sees Honey Butter coming. She's very happy to be getting some lap time, even if it's just for a few minutes here and there while Honey is outside.
So... what about you? What are you working on this week? What are you doing, reading, watching, making?