Yeah. So. Right. How’s everyone doing? It is powerfully, heavily difficult to not feel like this is some sort of horrifying social sea change. If the entire world could take a two-week vacation right now, and let all of this blow over? Let the disease die out by not giving it any new carriers? And then go back to normal? But things still need to happen, from electricity staying on to pets being taken in for emergency pet care, so… sigh. And it’s not forever. If we could just… get it together, as a people, and 95% of us stay home for two weeks to flatten the curve of contagion? Without panic and with helping our neighbors as best we can from six feet away? I’d like to say that “we’re all doing the best we can” but I think it’s more like “most of us are doing as much as we can but we all feel it’s not enough”. If your shoulders are feeling unusually burdened, your chest unreasonably tight, and your sleep nonexistent… I feel ya. Feel free to skip over the rest of this post and comment at the end with a long scream or a plea for help or just whatever you feel like saying. I’m here to listen.

In ceramics, I’m firing the kiln and glazing and firing the kiln again. Lots of color in the studio this week!
In soap, I’m wrapping more soap and making restocks of recently sold out things as fast as I can. I appreciate, so much, your support. Soap is flying off the shelves!
In yarn, I have a long shelf of yarn hanging that needs to be wound, so I can get some restocks out. Oh, to be three or four people!
In Limited Edition work, I’m getting ready to show off the next Crate; Under the Sea! This will be the first crate with the new format; no pre-orders (with the exception of more than two skeins of yarn, send me an email for details). What I make is what there is, I’m looking at 5-7 each of three different ceramic pieces and 2 skeins each of each yarn base; and once sold out, it’s gone. Next year at this time, though, I will make a handful of different pieces in the same design/same color, and a new/different limited run yarn. Think of it more as a seasonal collection…? I’ll have a full blog post on this soon!
In Patreon, I can’t stop writing a chapter that wasn’t supposed to happen for a few months. Huh. I’m going to toss it in as this month’s bonus chapter, since those only happen three or four times a year anyway. Even though I have a story that I’ve been working on as the bonus for a couple of installments now, and it’s not done. I’m just having trouble concentrating on anything that’s not this chapter that wants to be written. And I need to get caught up on Hanks Yarn & Fiber posts. I started having computer issues and everything involving computer work has been kind of haphazard the last ten days or so.
In knitting, not a single thing is happening. I am drooling over y’all’s works in progress and finished pieces, though!
In other things, there is not a lot of work out there for someone who just wants to hide under her desk and rock back and forth, chewing on her hair… so I appreciate all the sales that have been coming in! I know things are tight for everyone right now, and I appreciate your support. I don’t know what I’d do without y’all.
In closing… what a week, y’all. Part of me can’t believe it’s March 25th already and part of me feels like it’s July 25th of next year already. If you’re anything like me and have any level of anxiety, usually, well… we’re all in this boat together. I go from fine to really not fine at all in the drop of a hat, and if you do too….? You are not alone, my friend. This is weird territory we are all navigating right now. The familiar of home life but also the new and different - especially if you’re working from home and your kids are schooling from home… and nobody is quite sure where they’re standing and if their footing is secure. I pinky swear, though, to be here for you as much as I can. I really do want to know not just what you’re working on this week, but how you are. Because, y’all, my anxiety engine is revving high today and I could use some reassurance that I am not alone, that we are all in this together and together we’ll get through it (but at least six feet away from each other). XOXO