How's your week going? I'm feeling very... I don't know if I should say lucky, or privileged. I already worked at home. I live on 15 acres so there's no-body within half a mile of me, let alone six feet, so I can go outside into the sunlight and walk around in nature any time I want. I'm relatively healthy. I did a really smart thing two weeks ago and did a massive grocery store run, made and froze food before the ingredients would go bad, and we're still working on eating it all. I might need to brave a store by this weekend, but my plan is... to do exactly what I did before, so that we don't have to go out for another couple of weeks. That Poor Man had been to Sam's a week or two before this started, so we are stocked up on toilet paper. I am really feeling grateful for the life I've crafted out here in the boonies. I hope that, if you're reading this, you have some of that peace of mind and sense of safety as well.

Now let's talk about work! In ceramics, this week is looking colorful, y'all! The kiln is full, expectations are high, and some really good things have recently come out of the kiln as well.
In soap, I'm still chugging along, wrapping as much as I can when I can. I really wish I was three people right now! There's a small update this week, and I have enough that still needs to be wrapped for two more small updates. If you're looking for a fragrance that's out of stock online, shoot me an email - I may have it but it's just not wrapped yet.
In yarn, I have so much to wind! My drying rack is stuffed full! I have a new colorway coming out in a couple few weeks, and a lot of restocks.
In Limited Edition work, I need to write that blog post explaining the next Crate, Under the Sea. Did you see the pieces I'm making for that one? And the yarn?
In knitting, not a thing is going on, I'm afraid. I've sat a pair of armwarmers next to myself every night for the last week, but just can't concentrate enough for even that simple pattern. I'm really living vicariously through y'all's beautiful works right now!
In Patreon, I'm a little behind in my fiction; I published a bonus installment last Sunday but feel like the chapter I'm working on for this Sunday isn't quite ready yet. I'm going to buckle down over the next few days and not work so hard on HaldeCraft, so that I can sit in front of the computer and work on writing, instead. Of course then I feel guilty because there's yarn to wind and soap to wrap and ceramics to glaze... did I mention wanting to be three people right now?
In other things... let's talk about you! How are you doing, settling in with the current normal? How are your kids? Your elderly parents? How are your friends and family who are health care workers holding up? Towards the beginning of all this, I saw a lot of posts about "things to do when you're quarantined at home and bored" but I don't know... nobody I know is really talking about being bored. Most people are talking about "wait, now I have to do all the stuff I usually go away to do, here at home, PLUS I have to do things at home?". So. How are you adjusting? And what are you working on this week? Hey, if all you're working on is trying to find the dividing line between work-working at home and house-working at home... I feel ya.
Tell me about your week!