This week is all about catching up, getting my feet underneath me, and figuring focus!
In ceramics, the October mug of the month was listed yesterday... no, Monday, haha. Monday! Cute little cauldron cups because y'all liked the shape I made for a friend a couple of months ago, but in a different color. They're so twee! I've also got a table full of bisque to be glazed, and a pile of bisque after that which just can't fit on the table but is in the queue. Lots to do in restocking and in prepping for the holiday season. I'm also a bit behind in a couple of custom orders - I'll try to message everyone by the end of the day Saturday to talk about where we are, but if you haven't heard from me by Sunday, drop me a gentle line on Monday? Please? I feel like I've forgotten someone and I'd hate for it to be you.
In soap, I made a list yesterday of soap to be restocked, and it's not a long list but of course it's the most popular fragrances. I'll probably make double what I usually make on all of those, just because.... well, winter is coming. I've also got some new fragrances I want to debut soon, I just need time to write the listings!
In yarn, I am so sorry that the yarn I took out of stock to Fiber-In hasn't been put back into stock yet - I'm tryin', y'all! I hope to have it all back up by Friday (now that the October HaldeCrate and my quarterly sales tax are both off my plate, my time and energy will be freed up). At that point I'll make a list of restocks and starting the week after next I'll be able to both dye up restocks and two of everything in the new Nagata base.
In businessy things... did I mention quarterly sales tax? YAAAAWWWWN, I know. I'll spare you pictures of me and my Excel sheet and my calculator and my Recovery Beer when I get everything typed in. Let's see... what else? I mentioned in my post about HaldeCrate earlier this week that I'll be delaying the next one until February. I almost ran out of time this week, and I don't want to be That Person Who Does Stuff Late - so in order to chip some other things off my to-do mountain (and get through the holidays) I need to push the next one back. After that I'll switch to every three months instead of every other, and so new Crates will come out next year in February, May, August, and November. Oh - and I officially announced my side project, my Patreon campaign. I'm glad I can finally talk about it, I'm terrible with secrets!
In other things... are there other things? Probably a million of them, but I also have yarn to check in and email to catch up on and notes on custom orders, so... I'll call this post done. So enough about me! What about you? What are you working on this week? What's on your list? What are you filling your time with?