What are you working on this week? I'm working on everything, which means my brain is in overdrive (fueled this week by the new coffee shop that opened up in our small town, that lets you buy one of their tumblers and get it refilled whenever you want, for super cheap!).
In ceramics, I'm trying to focus on three different things at once -- a long overdue custom order for one of my dearest friends (it's always my friends who get the short straw, sigh)... those camper planters (I thought I'd do one at a time, but I think I'm going to do three at a time, and yes, I will make more but they will all be different so just stalk me! You'll get one eventually and I promise it'll be your favorite!)... and a custom order for another friend (who I know through the first friend, so isn't that funny that hers is also running behind?) which is fired at a different temperature than the other two things, and is too big to go into the small kiln which means I need to glaze a bunch of things to do a high fire in Big Geek. I also had a firing over the weekend, so am working on getting new things and restocks up.
In soap, I made a lot of soap over the last week, and am wrapping it all now as I have time between drying coats of glaze, so expect lots of soap updates over the next week or two.
In yarn, I'm still working on reworking the listings, and also restocks. I have some dyed that I need to wind, and am already working on a list of more restocks (thanks, y'all!). And I'm getting ready to dye some of the Coconut Cream yarn to get a head start on the next HaldeCrate!
Speaking of HaldeCrate... I've got a couple of yarn bowls made, a couple of tiki cups glazed and in the kiln now, waiting to be fired... I've got a good number of soap, lotion, and lip balm already made... I learned my lesson with the Monkey Farts crate that I should not wait until after pre-orders close to start making things! Coconut Cream will not catch me off guard (and let me tell you, I am IN!LOVE! with the Coconut Cream fragrance. I can not get enough of the lotion!).
In everything else... is there anything else? I took a lazy Sunday off with a friend and just hung out and did girly things all day - not something I am used to. In spite of the little voice in the back of my head saying that I was going to be running late with the week - Sunday is usually my setup day for the week - it was a good day to rest and recharge, and I've both actually kept up and felt like I've kept up with things this week. Who knew you had to sometimes take a day off when you're busy, and that actually makes you feel less busy?! I'll be taking a few more days off throughout the month; we have family from Indiana coming to visit from today through the 19th, and then my good friend Sharon is coming down for a visit from the 21st through the 30th. It'll be good to see friends and family!
So that's about it for me this week... what about y'all? What are you working on? How's your week going?