How's your week going? I'm having one of those weeks where I feel like I'm busy as all get-out, but when I sit down to tell you what I'm doing.... I have a moment of ... what am I doing?! I hope I'm not turning into one of those people who glorifies being busy just for the sake of being busy - I mean, I love writing these posts where I tell you what I'm working on, and hopefully you share a little with me, because I love the back and forth excitement of "oh my gosh that sounds awesome, I can't wait to see you finish!"

In ceramics, I'm working on the mugs for the rest of the month; telling you about them, glazing some of them, planning out colors for others. I'm also working on the June mug (cute little llama dude) and some ceramics for Patreon subscribers.
In soap, I have a small selection to be wrapped and restocked, another small list to make later this week (as soon as I'm done dying yarn), and... nope, that's about it with soap.
In yarn, I'm dyeing a few skeins for restocks. Oh, and I dyed a little last week and I'm working on restocking those now - including some in the new Jemisin base!
In HaldeCrate, I'm having a little trouble with the next Crate - I'm worried that I'm making the theme of this one too complicated. I have a great idea for a colorway and some ceramics, but am coming up with exactly no corresponding ideas for soap and lotion fragrances, or lip balm flavors. I mean, I kind of have an idea, but I'm worried it's a little too... esoteric? I'm not sure - but I also don't want to spoil the idea if it works, so I'm being deliberately vague here! Sorry/not sorry!
In boring office-y things, I have been avoiding my data entry in order to play around with my new planner. New planner systems are much more fun than data entry, hands down, am I right?!
That's about it for me right now... what about y'all? What are you up to? Still commiserating with friends (or celebrating, depending on how you feel) about the finale of Game of Thrones? Anything exciting going on in your lives this week? Good quilting projects? Fun knitting? Delicious baking? Hit me up with your projects!