Fresh from the HaldeKiln


Yesterday I bisque fired the kiln, and I didn't realize until this morning when I was unpacking and trying to display everything just how much I had packed in there! A couple of the pieces were pretty big, granted, so they took up a lot of room. I can't wait to get that new hippo planter glazed and ready -- that's a new mold I found a couple of weeks ago. I know about three people who are going to be fighting over it! But don't worry, I did get the mold; I can make more. ;-)

Oh... and is that a Gator planter I see in the top corner? Guess what I found when I was at my supply shop the other day! Yup, more greenware alligator planters. I have this one, and I still need to clean and fire two slightly smaller one and one much larger one. Hopefully I'll be able to fit them in the next bisque firing.

Thanks, y'all! I hope everyone is having as good a week as I'm having so far!

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